Chasàn Chùa (McIntyre Creek)
In Chasàn Chùa (McIntyre Creek Park), we’re working to protect the area from harmful development and support Whitehorse residents in their enjoyment of the trails.
Self-Guided Hikes
Key Documents:
Hikes & Bikes Book
Pick up a copy of our Hikes and Bikes book ($20), a great guide to hikes in and around Whitehorse. Stop by our office or buy online at our Marketplace (coming soon)!
Self-Guided Hiking Pamphlets
Get free information pamphlets on Canyon City and self-guided hike pamphlets for McIntyre Creek. Visit our office or download below!
With community support, we created interpretive panels and self-guided hike pamphlets for the area.
Did you know that Whitehorse has over 800 km of trails for you to explore?
Hiking Pamphlets
Citizen Science
Key Documents:
[PDF] BioBlitz Report
Alexandra de Jong Westman, ElknWillow Environmental Consulting and Yukon Conservation Society
The Middle McIntyre Creek region, as an extension of the Porter Creek subdivision is an area of interest for both the biological values and development potential of the area. In 2015, YCS hosted our first McIntyre Creek BioBlitz to collect vital data about the ecosystem. A bioblitz is a period of intense and concentrated biological survey. During a bioblitz, participants are led by professional biologists, specializing in mammals, birds, plants, terrestrial and aquatic insects, and fish to survey a number of habitat or landscape areas. This is a form of citizen science which helps in park planning and city planning process.
Other Outdoor Education Projects